Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A crazy bunch of people

We had a crazy weekend all the techies and the mangers and the manger’s managers, all went for a trip to Zoia resorts , which is not too far from Mumbai just 2 hours drive, we started preparing for this looong back we decided to play pool games and indoor, outdoor games it was a big team this time but once we reached there, it was just us and the pool…
Is so hot over here that in afternoon you feel like someone has pushed you in a big microwave to the highest temperature set, however the pools looked good… it was good to be in the pool for a long time, not to mention how tan and dehydrated you feel afterwards.. when the chlorine hits your nerves.

Then we had a good heavy Indian lunch with rice and pulses, roties and curd salad, obviously I felt sleepy after a long night shift, But some did not some still enjoyed playing TT, Badminton and indoor sports

Then at evening we played musical chair, housie and danced a lot, we even had barbeques and drinks for guys,

This is very short version of it when I can write about .. We had a fun pulling people’s leg, smashing our boss to the pool, having chicken sausages on barbeque and dancing like there is no end to the night …

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